EMBRACING SUSTAINABILITY: A Year in Review of Eco-Chic Fashion

EMBRACING SUSTAINABILITY: A Year in Review of Eco-Chic Fashion

THE LOWDOWN | Why Shop Made to Order Clothing Reading EMBRACING SUSTAINABILITY: A Year in Review of Eco-Chic Fashion 3 minutes Next 2024 A LOOK AHEAD: Sustainable Fashion Trends to Look For

As we bid farewell to another year, it's time to reflect on the strides and innovations made in the world of sustainable fashion. From eco-friendly materials to ethical production practices, the past year has been a transformative one for the industry, marking a shift towards a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible approach to style. Join Cadre as we take a look back at the key moments and trends that defined sustainable fashion in the past year.

In 2023, the fashion industry witnessed a growing emphasis on transparency and accountability, one of Cadre’s core criteria. Consumers, now more than ever, are demanding to know the origins of their garments and the impact they have on the planet. As a result, many brands have made significant efforts to disclose their supply chain information and adopt more sustainable practices. Transparency not only empowers our consumers to make informed choices but has also encourages brands to prioritize ethical and eco-friendly production methods.  

One of the most significant developments in sustainable fashion this year has been the rise of innovative eco-friendly materials. From plant-based textiles like organic cotton and apple leather to cutting-edge developments in lab-grown fabrics, designers and brands have been exploring new avenues to reduce their environmental footprint. The use of recycled materials, such as plastic bottles and reclaimed textiles, has also gained traction, demonstrating a commitment to circularity and waste reduction.  One of our favorite pieces made from recycled plastic bottles is the Jonathan Cohen Floral One Shoulder Dress.

The concept of "slow fashion" has continued to gain momentum, challenging the prevailing fast fashion model. In 2023, Cadre brought on several new designers committed to producing two collections a year to drive slow fashion.  Consumers are increasingly embracing timeless, well-made pieces over fleeting trends, leading to a renewed appreciation for craftsmanship and quality. This shift has not only contributed to a more sustainable approach to consumption but has also supported smaller, independent brands who prioritize ethical production and timeless design like our Cadre brands. 

Finally, sustainable fashion saw change being driven from the top down.  In 2023, the European Union implemented groundbreaking sustainable fashion laws aimed at transforming the industry. These laws prioritize environmental and social responsibility by requiring fashion companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products and production processes. Additionally, the EU introduced regulations promoting the use of sustainable materials and advocating for circularity in fashion, encouraging recycling and reducing waste. These measures mark a significant shift towards a more transparent, eco-conscious fashion industry, setting a precedent for global sustainability standards and reinforcing the EU's commitment to a greener, more ethical future for fashion.  While here in the states, the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act is working to require fashion companies to report on their social and environment impacts, fostering transparency and accountability  by addressing labor conditions and environment concerns in the fashion world.   

Looking ahead, the future of sustainable fashion holds great promise and we thank you all for you for your support to eco-conscious living. As we step into a new year, join Cadre as we continue to champion eco-chic style, embrace conscious consumption, and support the vision of a fashion industry that respects both people and the planet.